Selfless and unconditional

To me, the concept seems so simple yet, at times, difficult to maintain for many reasons. Our programming from childhood and societal constructs often get in the way and cause havoc in the subconscious.
When we have a deep regard for our own well-being and make choices that are right for us, it is also what is right for the greater group. Of course, we can and should make compromises in relationships, but if something is not for our own greater good, then being truthful with oneself and others is important. Let’s keep in mind that there are some fine lines that lean toward selfishness or even narcissism, but that is not the concept of self-love I’m talking about.
True self-love is an ability to feel and express unconditional love for oneself, which means releasing harsh judgments that lower a person’s vibrational frequency. This is typically associated with self-deprecating thoughts or a hatred of aspects or characteristics about oneself that are deemed to be unacceptable by the individual. It is only when the mind is involved that these types of comparisons to the external world would be made. Self-love does not need to look to the external environment for validation. When making comparisons and identifying ideas of lack, the mind is not serving your higher good.
One of the first books I read when my spiritual journey accelerated back in 2005 was a book called “Spiritual Divorce” by Debbie Ford. In my book, I’ve captured a quote where she refers to self-love as “It takes the compassion of an innocent heart and the dedication of an Olympic athlete.” When I first read it, I found that line intriguing but had no idea the depths of what my journey would unfold for me.
Otherwise, I might not have kept going! Now looking back, I see the brilliance in her statement and how beautiful the journey can be, even when parts of the journey can be devastating and heartbreaking.
The souls journey of awakening is a process of going beyond your current beliefs. There are many aspects to awakening, and everyone’s journey is different. It can take years to unravel what the mind has constructed as reality. When the unraveling occurs, mind-shattering breakthroughs are experienced, assisting in the transformation and expansion of consciousness. The release of thought constructs continue, allowing consciousness to go way beyond the ideas of the third-dimensional reality. Depending on what you’ve set up on your own soul plan, you may be doing deep dives into extraterrestrials or gaining perspective on your Starseed origins.
The awakening journey often continues beyond one lifetime and can extend over hundreds and thousands of years. The experiences are not always here on planet Earth and may be happening in other realms. Another concept that explains this is multi-dimensional realities, meaning that you are living in multiple dimensions simultaneously. This requires an in-depth understanding of these concepts and will be discussed further in the future.
Love is not outside of ourselves, and no one is here to make us happy. However, when we experience unconditional love and share it with others, happiness exudes. While there appear to be many mysteries, one thing is for sure — it’s a journey and not a destination, as it is an exponentially expanding experience.
Wishing you bliss and love on life’s journey, Beth
#1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics: Unraveling the Mind to Unveil Illusions in 10+ categories.
🎙️Catch the entire LIVE episode where I answer the listener’s question here:

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