Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics Autographed Paperback

Humanity is suffering, individually and collectively, and it’s time to break through beliefs and tap into inner wisdom for guidance!

Learn many tips, tools, and techniques from Beth’s vulnerable storytelling in this awakening memoir.



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Humanity is suffering, individually and collectively, and it’s time to break through beliefs and tap into inner wisdom for guidance!

Beth’s awakening memoir is raw, vulnerable, and written with the intention to inspire others to go deeper on their spiritual awakening journey.  Now is the time to unravel your mind by breaking through beliefs and healing yourself on all levels.  Getting yourself back to wholeness allows you to shine the light brightly and show the way for others to follow.

The stories are relatable, engaging, and jam-packed with tips, tools, techniques, and modalities to assist you on life’s journey.  the reviews speak for themselves as they share how others have experienced the author’s authentic and transformational storytelling.  She has a way of bringing a new perspective and levity to some of life’s darkest lessons.  There’s never a dull moment.

Beth’s on a mission to assist in “Pollinating the Planet with Love,” please join her and share the book with others!  Here’s the Hollywood movie description of the book…

What would you do if the man you intended to marry turned out to be a narcissistic sociopath?

Angels, Herpes & Psychedelics divulges Beth’s unexpected journey of awakening. From romantic encounters to toad-venom visions to angels in blue jeans, Beth’s story exposes how the soul’s true path can get messy, irrational, and even downright dangerous.

Raised in a small NORTH DAKOTA town, Beth learned to dutifully check the boxes. She went to college, climbed the corporate ladder, and married a man who reflected the midwestern values she was taught to want.  There was only one problem: this was not the life her soul had signed up for.

If you’re looking for a tender tale of light, love, and burning sage, look elsewhere. Beth Bell’s sacred journey offers something much rawer. Her memoir strips away the veil of a picture-perfect life, revealing the illusions of self, the bliss of divine oneness, and all the healing, aching, chaotic beauty in between.

What if you could have a God’s eye view that unraveled your mind and allowed you to experience the bliss of Divine oneness?

Learn more about how an adamant, ‘anti-drug’ corporate woman took her spiritual awakening journey to another level of embodiment through the use of plant-based and spiritual medicines.  She catapulted her intellectual knowledge into knowing why we’re all here.  Now she wants to share with you how we can all get back to the bliss of Divine oneness.

Professional Endorsements

“The raw stories Beth shares provide hope, optimism, and courage to help others move through devastating life circumstances.”
– Janet E. Lapp, Psychotherapist and Int’l Bestselling Author

“The tenacity Beth shows in taking responsibility for her life comes through and provides a strong spiritual toolbox that many can learn from.”
– Brian Smith, UGG Founder, Int’l Speaker, and Author

What if you could have a God’s eye view that unraveled your mind and allowed you to experience the bliss of divine oneness?

“A great introduction into the power of flowers and plants to help awaken one’s soul within.”
– Louie Schwartzberg, Director, Producer, Cinematographer, “Fantastic Fungi” Documentary Director

Beth helps you get beyond the chaos and drama into growth and expansion on the spiritual journey.  Through vulnerable storytelling, she eloquently demonstrates how she’s called in all her relationships that contribute to her awakening. 

For a heart-stopping, emotional, and inspiring read, buy Angels, Herpes and Psychedelics today!

PS:  Getting past my initial resistance to writing this book, my soul also advised with humor, “Tell them about the things you said you would never do.”  So here they are – the things I said “never” to but have now done, except for one.  You’ll have to read on to find out which one is still outstanding…

  • Move to New Jersey
  • Get Divorced
  • Get breast implants
  • Get a tattoo
  • Take a cruise
  • Leave my job for a man
  • Move to India
  • Take illegal drugs


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